• Everything that we are is a result of our thoughts.  Our thoughts dictate how we carry ourselves.  How we carry ourselves dictates how the world treats us.  Realizing this makes me wonder why men so often call their wives bitches or why women refer to themselves and friends as such.  Being raised by a single mother and six older sisters I’ve always respected and cherished women.  After 25 years as a hostage that has only grown.  There’s nothing more important or stronger than a woman.  When I tell people this, their first response is usually, “what about freedom or money?”  True, those are strong and important motivators, but what do men want money for?  To impress women!  The first thing a man wants to do after a day or a decade in prison?  Find a woman!  How precious is the gentle touch and scent of a woman!  It’s amazing how good it feels simply seeing a woman smile.  No matter how bad my day has been, receiving a letter at mail call and smelling a nice perfume always makes me smile.  Just knowing some beautiful woman took the time to write means the world.  All of you are beautiful in your own way.  You are the mothers of our children, our caretakers and providers, the center of our culture and wellspring of life!  I cannot understand how any “man” can disrespect one of you or why anyone of you would disrespect yourself or accept it from others.  Embrace your specialness and surround yourself with those who cherish and respect you.  Always remember, what you accept is what will continue.  Accept only the best and be treated like a Queen.


    “Thank you”, to all my friends.  Your letters/jpays & pics keep me sane in this cage.
