Rodney Warndahl

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Rodney Warndahl's Poetry

  • Autumn's Sky

    Autumn’s sky spans as a hazy grey ocean,

    Forewarning bold metamorphoses in motion.


    On season cessation, resplendence has palled;

    Somber palettes supplanted lost colours of fall.


    Bare boughs sprawl upwards with skeletal fingers;

    Sun imparts warmth although must struggle to linger.


    Leaves, long spiritless, are withered – brittle brown –

    Quivering and flittering across frosted ground.


    Eventide arrives, casts stars shimmery free,

    To refract astral shadows whilst glide tacitly.


    Moon looms aloft like a watchful grandfather;

    It observes windswept trees at turns twist then falter.


    Fresh snowdrifts next morning hint winter is nigh,

    Born embracing creation below autumn’s sky.