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Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chicano
Age : 58
Birthday: Jan 28, 1967
Sexual Preference: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Will Write To: Women
Looking For: Legal Help
My Religion: Catholic
Highest Level of Education: High School
Hometown: Laredo TX
Allow me to introduce myself & share with you a few things about me.
I’m looking for someone willing to give me a second chance, someone who’ll look beyond these prison bars & to get to know the person inside. You may be surprised to find a good person – but even good people sometimes do bad things.
I have a variety of interests but many are limited by the bars that confine me. Even should your interest be different from my own I’d think of them as important as mine & look forward to exploring them together.
If you are interested in becoming my pen-pal and giving me a second chance, feel free to write to me & I will respond to all.