Brandon Maxfield's Poetry

  • Shy Heart

    Being locked away in a concrete box, the Heart weakens a little each day without Contact, my heart used to have a way with words, to slowly weaken only to learn how to stumble and fall beyond words, my heart has things to say but is unable on how to word it, let alone hiding of Fear of rejection, Can you read what my eyes implore to you, my ...
  • Bleeding Heart

        The torn remains of a shredded and shattered Heart, Leaves the heart bleeding forever, pumping the life force from within the humans who actually have a Heart, Slowly draining the emotions so one becomes numbness with each corner we pass, the darkness swoop in leaving nothing but doubt, Always second guessing ourselves, unable...
  • Mystique Ocean

      The ocean is Far and Vast, Nothing to under estimate full of vicious animals/creatures of every kind, ranging from docile creatures to the human killers.  Breathtaking from sunrise to sunset.  To the slightest breeze on the wind to the unpredictable violent storms, unfathomable depths which supposedly nothing can live only to...