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Getting Out and Getting On
Posted 04-11-2011 |  0 favorites
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There are 40,741 men and women currently locked up in North Carolina prisons. Of these inmates, 98 percent will eventually win release. LeJhoyn Holland was released from the state prison in Hillsborough, North Carolina, on August 24, 2009, after serving 25 years for first-degree murder. He faces long odds: 65 percent of inmates who get out don’t stay out. Most return to prison. "Getting Out and Getting On" follows Holland through his integration back into society, with all the challenges and choices that follow. The do***entary also shows the vital role Holland’s interfaith volunteer support team plays in his reentry. Alan Julich was born and raised in Memphis and is proud to be a southerner. Since leaving advertising in 2005 to pursue independent video production, he’s produced long-form family memoirs, weddings and other commercial work, a biographical video, and a political video. "Getting Out and Getting On" is his longest and most ambitious project to date, and the most rewarding. Julich also enjoys playing and teaching clawhammer banjo. Alan Julich earned the Certificate in Do***entary Arts at the Center for Do***entary Studies in December 2010.​archives/​3954
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